Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Swallowtail Yoga Code of Ethics

Swallowtail Yoga Teacher Training teachers and students recognize the sensitive nature of student-teacher relationship.  We believe that it is the responsibility of the yoga teacher to ensure a safe and protected environment in which a student can explore and grow.  WE intend to uphold the highest professional standards for yoga teachers, and we agree to follow:

1.  A yoga teacher intends to "do no harm".  A yoga teacher creates and maintains a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for the practice of yoga.

2.  A yoga teacher respects all students, regardless of race, beliefs, religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, gender orientation, physical limitations, age, disability or ethnicity.

3.  A yoga teacher respects the rights, dignity and privacy of all students.  She maintains full confidentiality in the teacher-student relationship.

4.  A yoga teacher earnestly cultivates the Yamas and Niyamas in personal habits and lifestyle.

5.  A yoga teacher accurately represents her/his level of training, experience and ability to teach yoga.

to be continued.... 

Honey Moon Yoga

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Amma's Darshan from Youtube

Amma's Love

How wonderful to see our beloved Amma!!
Shawn and I attend a 3 day retreat with Amma this past weekend.  We had planned to ask her to marry us until we realized the cost was not in our budget right now.  We decided to put it on hold and were happy to do so as we also felt rushed to make it happen.  It would be such a blessing to have Amma marry us but I will be happy to wait and feel better prepared.  We will how ever continue with our scheduled wedding date in Vermont in September.

Being with Amma has been a real heart opening experience.  We received 3 darshans(blessing in the form of an embrace)  and was served a meal by her.  The real blessing though was to sing bajans and listen to Amma speak about life and spirituality.  What impressed me most about being with Amma this time is I realized how much fun she has.  She laughs a lot!  Her presents is so sweet and motherly.  It also really sunk in just how much she gives.  Almost the entire retreat she spent just being with the masses, embracing each and every person.  Her hug is like that of strong, sweet grandmother.  But she also gives you zap of love that can really open your heart.  I am inspired to follow her example and be that sweet and motherly, even though I don't always feel like I can to everyone.  I hope to awake more unconditional love for all humans though it can be so difficult.

I also received initiation which can seem a bit strange as if I am joining a cult.  But the only thing she asks of you is to see the divine in each person; chant your mantra daily; and receive dashan from her at least once a year.  Her message is one of service to our fellow humans, and it is so important in this world right now.  All the hatha yoga practice and meditation is for one thing: to better serve the world.  I am not sure I am entirely doing this right now but my intentions are there.  If I am a little friendlier with everyone, smile a little more than I have begun.  

To meditate daily is to take a moment and remember my purpose here.  To love and serve.  I hope that as a yoga teacher I can be a vehicle for this message.   In helping my students relax, learn how to care for their bodies and breath then maybe they will be more present to others they touch.  We are each a small part of the whole and our love and nurturing can spread.  Maybe you will be inspired by this message.  And if you get the chance spend some time with Amma and your heart may overflow as well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dalai Lama

This Saturday I will be going to see the the Dalai Lama speak.  Last time I saw the HH the Dalai  Lama was just about a year ago in McLeod Gang, India.  I feel very blessed to have this opportunity again in such a short time.  It was fun to see him drive by on the road to the temple.  And we lived in an apartment right next door to his compound.  Now we will see him from afar in the giant Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.  Its a blessing none the less.

April yoga teacher training homework

The Pancreas

The pancreas functions as a gland in the endocrine system and as an organ in the digestive system.  It is a long (6-7 inches), thinner (1-2 inches) organ that is rounded (the head) on one end and slightly pointed (the tail) on the other.  It is located diagonally behind the stomach and connects directly to the duodenum (small intestines), the gallbladder, and the liver.   The pancreas consists of exocrine glands that secrete enzymes for digestion through the pancreatic duct, which runs through the center of the organ.  The enzymes produced are lipase for fat; amylase for starches; and peptidase for proteins.  Surrounding the ducts are grape like structures containing three groups of cells for endocrine functions.  The three groups of islet or island cells are alpha, beta(70%), and delta(5%).   These cells mainly produce the hormones glucagon (alpha) and insulin (beta) to be secreted into the blood stream.  Insulin lowers blood sugar levels while glucagon slowly increases blood sugar if it falls too low.  When the beta cells do not function properly diabetes can occur. 


Monday, April 20, 2009

Swallowtail Yoga

I have been involved with a new yoga training with my first yoga teacher, Elaine Wintman.    The experience has profoundly changed my practice in great ways.  I feel much more aware of the connections and relationships inside my body.  For instance, I was able to find the connection between my kidneys and bladder in downward dog.  As strange as it sound it helped me to find the alinement of my spine.   Also in finding my kidneys I was able to rest both my kidneys and adrenals, which I realize are a bit over worked!  

I am learning so much more about anatomy and applying it to yoga.  I hope I do not scare away my students but talking about their pancreas!  I'm having lots of fun too.

I'm not sure exactly how it will apply to my work with children and children with special needs, but I'm sure it has already started to inform what I'm already doing.

The gentleness and supportiveness of this practice is really sweet and I hope to share that aspect more than anything else.  In this culture of  "no pain no gain" a little softness can go a long way.  And as we say in Swallowtail Yoga, "We don't throw our organs around!!"

I am also hoping to start leading more kirtans.  What a beautiful, powerful practice!  I hope to share it with others.  Check in to see what develops.  

Love and Shanthi

Thursday, March 26, 2009

4 AM

I woke up at 3 am and felt completely awake.  By 5 am I decide my only option was to head to my yoga room and meditate.  I was reminded that at this hour meditation is easier.  It is so nice to be up at such a sweet hour of the day.  There was a time when I always got up before 6 am.  How wonderful too it was to crawl back in bed for a few more hours of warm sleep.  I am looking forward to the warmer weather so 5 am will easier to find awakeness.  

At some point before and after meditating I felt a deep nostalgia for India.  4 am at Amma's ashram I was up to chant the 1000 names of the divine mother.   There may be very fews things more magical than 4 am puja.  Maybe the sun rising over the Himilayas or the Ganges River; or being in the rainforest of Brazil with my teacher chanting mantra and practicing yoga could compare.  I can't forget hiking down the Grande Canyon with the moon setting on one side and the sun rising on the other.  A night in November on a cold mountain top while watching a meter shower the sun started to come up and a line between darkness and light emerged, I could literally see why this hour is so amazing.  Yet no matter where I find myself that sweet, sweet moment when most beings are a sleep when a new day is dawning, we are open to all the beauty of the universe.  My teacher told me it is the moment of the highest levels of prana in the atmosphere and I can feel it.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is my new blog where I will list class changes and additions, as well as post information about yoga.  I hope you enjoy.